Arrowsmith Testimonials 

“I now find it much easier to write and much easier to copy things down. I can now understand concepts in math without much effort and apply them to problems. I am better at taking instructions and doing the job that needs to be done as it is supposed to be done. What I am most happy about is that before I could hardly read and now I can read almost anything! I can remember things I couldn’t remember and understand things I couldn’t understand before. I think that this has really changed my life.”— Liz, Founder of Little Comets Academy
Comments from a 15-year-old student at Arrowsmith School.
"I can't believe it, I got an "A" in math. It's my first one ever, like ever. I am so happy." - Kaye Sell Arrowsmith Facilitator.
Comment from Alice 9-year-old  Arrowsmith Student 2022.

“I want to do clocks forever, I love clocks. I love Arrowsmith it has helped me so much” - Kaye Sell Arrowsmith Program Facilitator

Comment from Talisha 14-year-old Arrowsmith student 2022

“I got an “A” for English and a “B” for Math, Arrowsmith actually does work” - Kaye Sell Arrowsmith Program Facilitator.

Comment from Mater 14-year-old Arrowsmith student 2023.

Are you ready to experience the Arrowsmith difference?

The Arrowsmith Program

changing brains, changing lives…

for today, tomorrow and forever …


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